Computers Electronics Mechanics

Mechanical keyboard keystroke #1


‘You need new switches, new keycaps, some modification to your stabilizers and you definitely should do something about that horrible sound!’

What is he talking about?

File type: audio/wav

File size: 607 KB

Length: 0:010 minutes, 1 second

Bitrate: 4608kb/s CBR


Printer paper drop

‘What are you doing tonight?’

‘Ah, well, you know, dancing around the office after everyone has gone home.’

File type: audio/wav

File size: 2 MB

Length: 0:040 minutes, 4 seconds

Bitrate: 4608kb/s CBR

Sound Effect Tools

Marker drawing on whiteboard

Dry-erase marker guided by human hands leaving fast traces on a whiteboard.

That’s a very long description! You’re under arrest!

File type: audio/wav

File size: 336 KB

Length: 0:010 minutes, 1 second

Bitrate: 2304kb/s CBR

Sound Effect Tools

Fast writing on paper #1

‘Keep your hands off me, I’m a well-known wizard you fools! I don’t need to sign the entrance book!’

File type: audio/wav

File size: 174 KB

Length: 0:010 minutes, 1 second

Bitrate: 2304kb/s CBR

Computers Electronics Impacts Mechanics

Mechanical keyboard keystroke

Fancy mechanical keyboard.

Type faster!

File type: audio/wav

File size: 100 KB

Length: 0:000 minutes, 0 seconds

Bitrate: 2304kb/s CBR