Alarms Electrics House

Old phone ringing #4

Don’t despair fellow traveler

Today, #4 in the title is your lucky charm. It also means that there are more sounds related to your query.
You just have to find them.

File type: audio/wav

File size: 18 KB

Length: 0:020 minutes, 2 seconds

Bitrate: 88kb/s CBR

Electrics House

Rotary phone dial #2

Ancient artefacts made by intelligent people.

File type: audio/wav

File size: 30 KB

Length: 0:010 minutes, 1 second

Bitrate: 176kb/s CBR

Alarms Electrics Sound Effect

Phone ringing #1

‘If he’s indeed from another dimension, shouldn’t he call first?’

File type: audio/wav

File size: 44 KB

Length: 0:020 minutes, 2 seconds

Bitrate: 176kb/s CBR

Alarms Ambience Electrics

Office phone ringing

Time to enjoy a nice cup of hot tea. It’s your boss from 1984!

‘Hey! I want my T-shirt back!’

File type: audio/wav

File size: 23 KB

Length: 0:020 minutes, 2 seconds

Bitrate: 88kb/s CBR

Furniture House Impacts Tools

Old telephone handset hang up #1

‘I’ve been travelling to the edge of the galaxy, seen every distant constellation and every possible universe and dimension. In each and one of them we were enemies.’
‘And in this one?’
‘In this one we are…lovers.’

File type: audio/wav

File size: 139 KB

Length: 0:000 minutes, 0 seconds

Bitrate: 2822kb/s CBR