Sound Effect

Heavy metal door movement #1

‘C’mon man, help me close this thing!’

File type: audio/wav

File size: 1,007 KB

Length: 0:020 minutes, 2 seconds

Bitrate: 4608kb/s CBR

Foods House

Small ceramic plate movement #1

‘We need plates on Mars, don’t we?’

File type: audio/wav

File size: 325 KB

Length: 0:010 minutes, 1 second

Bitrate: 4608kb/s CBR

Foods House

Small ceramic plate movement

Appetizer Plate.

Only small portions today.

File type: audio/wav

File size: 364 KB

Length: 0:010 minutes, 1 second

Bitrate: 4608kb/s CBR


Thin metal plate hit

Suit of armor under heavy collision with a heavy hammer. Could be.

‘This is the Mace of Strength!’

File type: audio/wav

File size: 759 KB

Length: 0:010 minutes, 1 second

Bitrate: 4608kb/s CBR

House Impacts Tools

Screw box shake

‘This is my special plastic box where I keep my special things. Do not touch it, do not shake it!’

‘Why not!?’

File type: audio/wav

File size: 827 KB

Length: 0:010 minutes, 1 second

Bitrate: 4608kb/s CBR