Fight Impacts Melee Weapons

Blade stab

Casual stabbing.

‘When I’m not stabbing I’m sharpening.’

She speaks daggers and every word stabsW.S

File type: audio/wav

File size: 229 KB

Length: 0:000 minutes, 0 seconds

Bitrate: 4608kb/s CBR

Fight Melee Weapons

Sword swish and cut

Sharp blade territory.

‘He is also known as the Red Fox.’

File type: audio/wav

File size: 440 KB

Length: 0:010 minutes, 1 second

Bitrate: 4608kb/s CBR

Fight Melee Weapons

Dagger swing

“You call that a sword?”

File type: audio/wav

File size: 125 KB

Length: 0:000 minutes, 0 seconds

Bitrate: 4608kb/s CBR

House Sound Effect

Metal structure under pressure

The tension is killing me!

File type: audio/wav

File size: 2 MB

Length: 0:030 minutes, 3 seconds

Bitrate: 4608kb/s CBR

Impacts Melee Weapons

Knife stab

‘Your primitive weapon cannot pierce my armor! Ha ha!’

File type: audio/wav

File size: 73 KB

Length: 0:000 minutes, 0 seconds

Bitrate: 1411kb/s CBR